
How Long Do Veneers Last? Easy Tips to Make Them Last Longer

There is no doubt that a smile is one of the most prized possessions that you own, and if you have gone ahead to fit dental veneers, you understand how much they can change. Teeth enhance one’s looks, increase self-esteem, and provide the ideal smile that one has always wished to have.

But here’s the catch: if you want them to be healthy, you must take good care of them, especially the veneers. Sure, they are designed for daily consumption and the challenges of everyday activities, but they are not indestructible. If you do not take care of them, before long, you will be looking for orthodontic services for repairs or replacements when you do not wish to.

The silver lining? There are a few good habits that one can take on board and appreciate the longevity of the Dental Veneers without worrying about the appearance of the smile for as long as possible. If this is your first time considering veneers, these common recommendations will be beneficial in preserving the enhancement and ensuring the smile remains as beautiful as the first time itself. Here are a few important points on how to take care of your veneers! 

Take Care of Your Teeth Post Application of Veneers

It is a well-known fact that dental beauty restorations with dental veneers are made out of quite tough materials. Veneers and bonding materials are not infallible in resisting abrasions or any other forms of damage. When it comes to the veneers, one more aspect has to be considered and it is related to the oral hygiene practices of the patient. In this respect, it is advised that the soft brush and the non-abrasive paste are utilised for cleaning the teeth two or three times a day, especially after meals. In most cases, however, most cleaning toothbrushes do not reach some of the areas in between the teeth where food fillings tend to remain, therefore, dental floss has to be able to clear the food remnants at least once every day. 

Steer Clear from Tough and Chewy Food

Though they are dentures that are meant to last, they cannot withstand too much heavy pressure or stickiness. Crunching hard items such as rock candies, ice, or particular kinds of nuts can lead to crumbling or fractures in the veneers. Likewise, caramels or gummy alluring foods are very likely to adhere to the veneers and pull them out. One should avoid these types of food and even if not possible, eat them with great care if he/she wishes to preserve the burnished look of the teeth, if any, with the help of veneers. 

Avoid Excessive Consumption of Discoloring Foods and Drinks

Indeed, they are not as easily stained compared to ordinary teeth but they can still be stained. Some of the products like coffee, tea, red wine, or even dark berries whose pigment concentrations are high may lead to a more pronounced staining ring with time to the edges of the veneers. Reducing the amounts of these particular foods or drinks is very useful for Veneers aftercare. It is also important to rinse the mouth with water after taking these substances to ensure that the veneers remain white. 

Always Have A Mouthguard Whenever Engaging In Sports Activities

In the case of playing sports, a mouthguard is a necessity not only for the Veneers maintenance but also for the natural teeth. It is wise to remember that however strong the porcelain material is, it cannot withstand hard injuries or blows. It is better to use a mouth guard that fits properly inside the mouth rather than the ones bought from the shops as they serve their purpose of guarding the mouth more effectively and comfortably. 

Consequences of Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is the persistent grinding or clenching of the teeth. This behaviour can be extremely harmful to your dental Veneers lifespan. In case you suffer from sleep bruxism, it would be wise to consult your dental professional about using a night guard. 

Do Not Forget to Go for a Visit to the Dentist Regularly

To maintain the quality of your veneers and avoid the risk of causing damage, it is very important to make sure that you visit the dentist more often. The objective of these visits would be to assess the state of the veneers and to verify that the veneers are neither chipped or damaged. Furthermore, the Dentist Northern Beaches will also be able to offer professional cleaning aimed at removing deposits like plaque, will enamel coat the veneers, and even deal with other oral issues that could compromise the veneer treatment, to take good care of the veneer. 

Biting Your Teeth for Unconventional Uses

If you have more and more crowns and bridges in your mouth, the Veneers Procedure is used as a final restoration. Many habits like opening things with your teeth are not only unadvisable but can have many profound consequences, such as chips, cracks, or dislodging the prosthetics. Instead, when something needs to be cut, opened, or pried, always use scissors, bottle openers, or any other appropriate tools and protect the teeth. 

Be Careful About Ingraining Dangerous Habits

Engaging in behaviours such as biting fingernails, gnawing on pens, or chewing on other things will gradually result in damage to your cosmetic dental veneers. 

Such habits strain the Dental Veneers unnecessarily and hence may cause the veneers to chip or sustain other damages. It would help to stop such behaviours as they will help in the maintenance of your veneers and your smile as well. 

Use Mouthwash Without Alcohol

Alcohol is present in a variety of mouthwash products and can damage the bonding agent that secures your veneers. 

Therefore, go for an alcohol-free mouthwash. These minimally invasive products that provide the same antibacterial and freshness benefits are unlikely to affect your veneers lifespan. 

Give Up Smoking

In case you smoke, it is also recommended that you stop being interested only in improving your health. It is good to note that the veneers as well as the natural teeth tend to become discoloured over time. Your perfect smile can end up having a yellowish tinge from the habit of smoking which leads to the staining of dentures. As an additional point, smoking is associated with gum problems that can put the support system of your veneers in jeopardy. Giving up the habit of smoking is good as far as taking care of your smile and maintaining the good look of your veneers for long is concerned.

Final Note

Getting dental veneers is a way of investing in your smile and with the right maintenance, one can keep them for ages. Good oral care, no bad habits, and regular trips to the dentist will all help to make sure that your veneers stay as perfect and sturdy as they were on the day they were applied. With these Veneers care tips, you can expect to continue wearing a beautiful smile even after many years. 

For expert advice or to schedule a consultation, reach out to us at United Dental Clinic. Our team is here to help you maintain a radiant, healthy smile for years to come!
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